Wednesday, April 20, 2005

what's in a name

Now that I have you here...

Have you wondered yet at the name? Names are very tricky things, you have to get just the right one. The name for this new blog came from an online quiz I took. If I had a punk rock band, according to said quiz, it would be called "Amused Slinky". This was taken by a feeling and an object (and I think it fits, oddly enough). I've dubbed myself Slinky Girl because I can and I felt like it.

Finally, I can share the good news that I've been dying to share, since I know that this blog is safe from prying eyes. You see, a week ago, one of the other supervisors at work asked me to transfer to a new team, a non-phone work team, starting the first of May. This is a huge blessing for so many reasons. A: I respect this supervisor (unlike the rest in the department). B: It means that I will get to do things I'm good at with opportunities to shape procedures and work flow. C: NO MORE DIALER, I mean, no more icky, yucky wait for the phone to ring just to be hung up on dialer. D: Flexible hours. Enough said on that! E. A raise in July!!! F: Less time on phones, more time on emails and fixing problems and things of that nature.

There are more, but those are the major ones.

Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Good luck with the new team! It sounds like you are ready for a change.