Wednesday, November 09, 2005

watch the words fly by

Hello my dear friends. It's been a while. Forgive me. I've been frantically writing away on my novel for NaNo. And it's going well. I passed 19000 words tonight. I've averaged over 2000 a day (even without writing last Friday due to a hockey game, but more on that later) and had my highest per hour writing this month with a whopping 2406 in one hour on Saturday.

Last week I hosted our first write-in for Colorado Springs. We have three, me, myself and I. An entertaining group to be sure, but not too moral boosting. Thankfully, tonight we had four, and the other three people were all new NaNo's! Three people who aren't part of our our core group!! It was lovely to meet them. And I got another 2300 words pounded out.

Speaking of pounding, I have to figure out something to give our new pastor, a pound of something non-perishable and good. It's our way of saying "welcome, we like you, please have a ton of food to start you off here." Nice thought but I don't think they realize how many people we have... might actually be a "ton" of stuff!

Anywho, I mentioned hockey, didn't I? I did. Last Friday I took my buddy, Jake, to the CC hockey game. My first hockey game. I knew hockey to be violent sport, and I can handle that. What I didn't realize is how very unsportsman like the crowd at a hockey game would be. I was a cheerleader back in the day and I learned that you can cheer against the other team, but you never EVER boo them. Apparently, the hockey crowd missed the lesson on being nice and do unto others part of kindergarten. I'm ready to send them all back so they can catch this most important lesson.

So, I lived through my first hockey experience, I learned a few things since Jake is a fan and was ready to share his knowledge.

Okay, it's almost time for dinner (yes, a bit late) and maybe write another hundred words. If I can type 500 more tonight I'll break 20000!



The Girl with a Green Hat said...

New Pastor? What? What happened to Pastor Sommers? I'm worried over here! You leave a place and they switch things on you!

On a lighter note, I'm glad you are doing so well with your writing. That's really exciting. I'm also glad your group has grown! :)
So when do we get to read this wonderful work of art?

Sara said...

We have more than one pastor and the new one is for Youth Ministries since Steve and Mary Burford left to work in a church with other family members. And now Paul Reichart is leaving (Adult Min Pastor) so we'll have another opening. Armin and Scott are still at PRC so rest easy :)

The new guy is Eric Mason and he'll be over Senior and Jr High groups.